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tutorial @soft:polydraw
8 Hits, Last modified:
ons </well> In Polydraw, most actions work on the current selection (all the vertices & triangles selected)... re. When in 'Edit' mode, you can always move the current vertice (shown by a red plus sign) by left-clicki... in all views. * Now set the first corner of the current triangle to the current vertice by clicking on "Edit->Set polygon's corner" (or hit the 'Spacebar'). If y
tips @soft:ptlynx
7 Hits, Last modified:
Control + A' keys to jump to the beginning of the current page. * Use the 'Control + E' keys to jump to the end of the current page. * Use the 'Control + L' keys to refresh t... use 'n'for next occurrence. * 'a' key adds the current document to bookmarks. * 'v' key displays bookm... link. * 'V' key displays visited links for the current session. * 'u' key goes back to previous docume
scripting @soft:vrgrid
4 Hits, Last modified:
vrf.time:hour </sxh> //integer// read only The current hour (0-23). <sxh php;> vrf.time:minute </sxh> //integer// read only The current minute (0-59). <sxh php;> vrf.time:second </sxh> integer read only The current second (0-59). <sxh php;> vrf.time:millisecond </sxh> integer read only The current millisecond (usually measured since the PC was bo
calculator @soft:platform
2 Hits, Last modified:
ess than zero. Date Functions today today() - current date returns the current date as a number. i.g. 20180807 (Aug. 07, 2018) yeardays yeardays(year) - numbe
actions @soft:vrgrid
2 Hits, Last modified:
> </imagemap> </sxh> <well> Triggers avaliable in current version </well> <sxh xml;> | REPLACE | | ROLL_ON ... | | START_UP | </sxh> <well> Actions avaliable in current version </well> <sxh xml;> | REPLACE | | EXIT |
tutorial @soft:phphum
2 Hits, Last modified:
d and transmitted to the function assigned as the current window handler. <well> The callback function </we... _get_system_info - Returns various data about the current system * wb_get_text - Gets the text from a con
tutorial @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
ag can also be specified in terms relative to the current object. For example, you could tell VRGrid to rep